It Is Baseball Season – Do Your Kids Know Who’s On First?


With Justin’s favorite team, The Mets, in first place in the National League East Division and Jenn’s favorite, The Detroit Tigers, in first place in The American League Central Division and the Yankees playing above .500 ball, we thought it would be fun to resurrect one  of the most famous baseball comedy acts to ever take place. It was the humorous exchange between Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. The skit was originally done on the radio live, each and every time, it was preformed.

ny-mets-11            Detroit_Tigers               yankees now

The general premise behind the exchange has Costello, a peanut vendor named Sebastion Dinwiddle, talking to Abbott who is Dexter Broadhurt, the manager of the mythical St. Louis Wolves. However, before Costello can get behind the plate, Abbott wants to make sure he knows everyone’s name on the team… Have your kids ever seen this before? Take a look, here.