Visiting Day – 1st Session
Although the weather predicted rain on our 1st Session Visiting Day, not one drop fell during the entire day! As usual, excited parents started lining up on the hill bright and early, and after several years of trying, the Liskin Family was finally the first car on the line waiting to enter camp! (Way to go Liskins!!!)
Once the day officially began, the flood of parents, armed with plenty of our campers favorite treats, poured into camp. Shouts of glee rang out as campers ran to meet their parents outside of their bunks. Campers introduced their parents to their counselors and toured them around camp. Boating, the inflatables and the Tarzan Vine were available for all to enjoy at the lake. Our families also played tennis and took a dip in the pool. Campers showed off their go-carting, zip line, skate boarding and waterskiing skills for their parents.
At the end of Visiting Day, after the parents departed, our campers gathered with their super soakers and water balloons for our traditional “after Visiting Day giant water fight” at the lake. One of the great things about being a 4 week sleep away camp? We get to do this all over again in just a few short weeks for our second session campers! 😉