The Pre-Camp Crew And All That They Do!
The Pre-Camp Crew has arrived and they are busy busy busy helping us to get camp ready for your arrival. Under the watchful eye of Steve Chesney, Director of Operations, the crew performs a wide variety of tasks:
Mowing lawns and landscaping:
Okay, so the “lawns” are actually “fields”, but nevertheless this involves riding the tractor (the easy part of lawn care), pushing hand mowers and weed wacking (much more physically demanding than tractor riding, but equally rewarding!) The Crew also weeds, plants and mulches all the garden beds.
Lots and lots of painting and staining gets done during Pre Camp! (Here’s a little TLW camp fact: Did you know that we basically only use three colors of paint in camp? Barn Red, Battle Ship Grey and White!)
Physical Labor:
The Crew does a lot of moving of bleachers, beds, picnic tables, ping-pong tables, cubbies and boats, etc. Our Crew all have some basic carpentry and plumbing skills, which includes, (but is not limited to of course!) cleaning and plunging toilets and sinks!
The Crew also performs basic housekeeping jobs such as vacuuming, dusting and mopping. See??? Mother was right – skills she always told you would come in handy! The Crew cleans all of the bunks, public buildings and Dining Hall and opens the Kitchen.
So to all of our Crew and our Year Round Maintenance Staff, we thank you endlessly for all that you do!