Hey Parents – Are YOU Ready for Camp?

Yes, you are ready! You have made your doctors appointments for the camp physicals, submitted your camp forms online and otherwise, purchased your camp clothing and you are ready to pack the camp duffel bags. But are you really ready?! We are here to help you prepare for you child’s “independence” and the potential separation anxiety you, your child or both of you may experience while your child is at camp. We look forward to helping to create a comfort zone for both you and our future camper.

OUR MAY GATHERING is an excellent opportunity for our campers entering 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade to meet other campers in their age group and session, play some games, and laugh over pizza and soda! (May 1st at New York Sports Club, Ramsey, NJ)  Click here for more information.

NEW CAMPER ORIENTATION is another great opportunity to set a comfort zone for both you and your camper. We meet at camp on June 12th from Noon – 3pm. While on tour, the campers learn where the bus will drop them off in camp, how the luggage gets to their bunk, and ask any questions they may have, while their parents are learning helpful tips on how to best help their child make the adjustment to camp.


  1. We encourage sending a letter or two ahead of time, so your child has mail when they get to camp.
  2. We think it is best if the letters and/or emails during the summer focus on what is going on in camp. (And it does not hurt to mention how boring it is at home!) Meaning, this is probably not the time to talk about the exciting adventure you took to Disney World while they were at camp!
  3. We recommend sending a limited number of pictures for the campers to post on the wall near their bed, but not so many that it prompts a bout of homesickness.
  4. The Division Leader, (the adult overseeing your child’s group) will call all of our new campers and their parents prior to camp to introduce themselves to you, and then again two to three days into the camp session to touch base with you to let you know how your child is doing. Please know however that you may always call or email us with any questions or concerns that you may have.

So – take a deep breath and relax… See? You are ready for camp!

– Jennifer